
TitleCited ByYear
Cloud Data Auditing Techniques with a Focus on Privacy and Security302017
Delta-multiplexing: A novel technique to improve VoIP bandwidth utilization between VoIP gateways162010
Comparative Evaluation and Analysis of IAX and RSW152010
Conference gateway for heterogeneous clients: Real time switching clients and interasterisk exchange clients142011
A three layered decentralized IoT biometric architecture for city lockdown during COVID-19 outbreak132020
ITTP: A new transport protocol for VoIP applications132012
Multiplexing SIP applications voice packets between SWVG gateways132009
Multimedia communication: RSW control protocol and IAX112008
Muxcomp-A new architecture to improve VoIP bandwidth utilization102009
Control and media session: IAX with RSW control criteria102008
QoS design consideration for enterprise and provider’s network at ingress and egress router for VoIP protocols92016
Multiplexing VoIP Packets over Wireless Mesh Networks: A Survey72016
Storage allocation scheme for virtual instances of cloud computing62017
Performance evaluation of framework of VoIP/SIP server under virtualization environment along with the most common security threats42018
An online lab examination management system (OLEMS) to avoid malpractice42018
Real-time conference gateway for heterogeneous clients: Real-time switching clients and inter-asterisk exchange clients42010
Heterogeneous multimedia sessions42009
Before Teaching Cybersecurity in the University: Usability Analysis of the Cloud Platform with Learner’s Perspective32019
Effect of social media use on learning, social interactions, and sleep duration among university students22021
Effective Voice Frame Pruning Method to Increase VoIP Call Capacity22020
E-commerce Review System to Detect False Reviews22018
Hashing Based Authentication for Ultra-Low Cost Low Power SCADA Application Using MSP430 Microcontroller22013
Survey and analysis of VoIP frame aggregation methods over A-MSDU IEEE 802.11 n wireless networks12020
Web Server Performance Evaluation in a Virtualisation Environment12017
Artificial Intelligence Based Language Translation Platform2021
Smart CardioWatch System for Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases Who Live Alone2021
University Learning and Anti-Plagiarism Back-End Services2021
Multi Criteria Decision Making System for Parking System2020
Unified Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Scheme for Ethernet Passive Optical Network2020
University learning with anti-plagiarism systems2020
A Proposal to Detect the Double Submission of a Manuscript Sent for Review2018
Security in OpenFlow Enabled Cloud Environment2017
Cloud Computing Data Auditing Algorithm2017
Fairly Scheduled Bandwidth for the Data Centre Traffic2017
Sip Based a Novel Multimedia Communication Architecture for Peer to Peer and Group Communication2014
Enumeration of Standard VoIP Protocols in Line with Interactive Remote Classroom2013
Error Detection using CRC Extension Header for IPv6 Packets over High Speed Networks2010
Control and Media Sessions: lAX with RSW Control Criteria2008
Control and Media Sessions: lAX with RSW Control Criteria2008
Data Science Techniques, Tools and Predictions
Load Balancing at Fog Nodes using Scheduling Algorithms
ICCKE 2014 Program Committee Members
ICCKE 2013 Program Committee Members